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Enersys Fiamm Motive Power Energy Plus Range

FIAMM Motive Power energy plus batteries provide a high level of power and reliability for all industrial truck operations, from simple applications with a low capacity loading up to heavy duty multi-shift work. FIAMM Motive Power energy plus provides higher efficiency in discharge, which is achieved by the use of advanced components in the construction of the positives plates. The sizing of plates has been optimised according to volume available in the cell boxes and the process of filling the positive plates has been improved. All these technical enhancements have enabled an increase in the cell capacities while retaining the same exterior dimensions


  • This range is at the highest level of technology and offers very high efficiency
  • Available in DIN and BS series
  • Complies with the dimensions of standards DIN/EN 60254 and IEC 254-2
  • On request these batteries can be supplied with FIAMM Motive Power Aqualevel automatic single point filling system and/or with an air mixing system for reduced recharge time and increased battery availability
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
5Hr L W H
2 PzS 120 120 47 198 370 8.5 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzS 180 180 65 198 370 12.0 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzS 240 240 83 198 370 15.4 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzS 300 300 101 198 370 19.0 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzS 360 360 119 198 370 22.5 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 420 420 137 198 370 26.0 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 480 480 155 198 370 29.5 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 540 540 174 198 370 33.0 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 600 600 192 198 370 36.5 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzS 160 160 47 198 435 10.0 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzS 240 240 65 198 435 14.2 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzS 320 320 83 198 435 18.4 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzS 400 400 101 198 435 22.6 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzS 480 480 119 198 435 26.7 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 560 560 137 198 435 31.3 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 640 640 155 198 435 35.1 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 720 720 174 198 435 39.3 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 800 800 192 198 435 43.4 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzS 180 180 47 198 505 11.9 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzS 270 270 65 198 505 17.0 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzS 360 360 83 198 505 22.1 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzS 450 450 101 198 505 27.1 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzS 540 540 119 198 505 32.2 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 630 630 137 198 505 37.2 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 720 720 155 198 505 42.3 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 810 810 174 198 505 47.4 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 900 900 192 198 505 52.4 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzS 210 210 47 198 541 14.2 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzS 315 315 65 198 541 20.3 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzS 420 420 83 198 541 26.4 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzS 525 525 101 198 541 32.4 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzS 630 630 119 198 541 39.0 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 735 735 137 198 541 44.7 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 840 840 155 198 541 50.6 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 945 945 174 198 541 56.6 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 1050 1050 192 198 541 62.7 Bolt On Connectors
2 Pzs 230 230 47 198 575 14.2 Bolt On Connectors
3 Pzs 345 345 65 198 575 20.3 Bolt On Connectors
4 Pzs 460 460 83 198 575 26.4 Bolt On Connectors
5 Pzs 575 575 101 198 575 32.4 Bolt On Connectors
6 Pzs 690 690 119 198 575 39.0 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 805 805 137 198 575 44.7 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 920 920 155 198 575 50.6 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 1035 1035 174 198 575 56.6 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 1150 1150 192 198 575 62.7 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzS 250 250 47 198 600 15.0 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzS 375 375 65 198 600 21.2 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzS 500 500 83 198 600 27.4 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzS 625 625 101 198 600 33.9 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzS 750 750 119 198 600 40.3 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 875 875 137 198 600 46.5 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 1000 1000 155 198 600 53.1 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 1125 1125 174 198 600 59.4 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 1250 1250 192 198 600 66.0 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzS 280 280 47 198 715 17.5 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzS 420 420 65 198 715 24.7 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzS 560 560 83 198 715 31.8 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzS 700 700 101 198 715 39.3 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzS 840 840 119 198 715 46.7 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzS 980 980 137 198 715 53.9 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzS 1120 1120 155 198 715 61.3 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzS 1260 1260 174 198 715 68.6 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzS 1400 1400 192 198 715 76.0 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzB 46 46 45 157.5 230 4.1 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzB 69 69 61 157.5 230 4.6 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzB 92 92 77 157.5 230 7.0 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzB 115 115 93 157.5 230 8.5 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzB 138 138 109 157.5 230 10.0 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzB 64 64 45 157.5 292 5.0 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzB 96 96 61 157.5 292 6.8 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzB 128 128 77 157.5 292 8.7 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzB 160 160 93 157.5 292 10.6 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzB 192 192 109 157.5 292 12.5 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzB 224 224 125 157.5 292 14.4 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzB 256 256 141 157.5 292 16.2 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzB 84 84 45 157.5 358 6.5 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzB 126 126 61 157.5 358 8.9 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzB 168 168 77 157.5 358 11.4 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzB 210 210 93 157.5 358 13.8 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzB 252 252 109 157.5 358 16.3 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzB 294 294 125 157.5 358 18.8 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzB 336 336 141 157.5 358 21.2 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzB 110 110 45 157.5 428 7.9 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzB 165 165 61 157.5 428 11.0 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzB 220 220 77 157.5 428 14.0 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzB 275 275 93 157.5 428 17.1 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzB 330 330 109 157.5 428 20.1 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzB 385 385 125 157.5 428 23.2 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzB 440 440 141 157.5 428 26.2 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzB 495 495 157 157.5 428 29.2 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzB 550 550 173 157.5 428 32.3 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzB 130 130 45 157.5 484 9.1 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzB 195 195 61 157.5 484 12.5 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzB 260 260 77 157.5 484 16.1 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzB 325 325 93 157.5 484 19.5 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzB 390 390 109 157.5 484 23.0 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzB 455 455 125 157.5 484 26.5 Bolt On Connectors
8 PzB 520 520 141 157.5 484 30.1 Bolt On Connectors
9 PzB 585 585 157 157.5 484 33.5 Bolt On Connectors
10 PzB 650 650 173 157.5 484 37.0 Bolt On Connectors
2 PzB 150 150 45 157.5 541 10.3 Bolt On Connectors
3 PzB 225 225 61 157.5 541 14.2 Bolt On Connectors
4 PzB 300 300 77 157.5 541 18.2 Bolt On Connectors
5 PzB 375 375 93 157.5 541 22.2 Bolt On Connectors
6 PzB 450 450 109 157.5 541 26.2 Bolt On Connectors
7 PzB 525 525 125 157.5 541 30.2 Bolt On Connectors
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