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Designed to deliver the highest performances while combining excellent reliability and float life.

Main Applications: UPS & Data Center, Security System & Emergency Lighting.


  • Non-spillable
  • Flame retardant ABS plastic
  • VRLA AGM technology with 99% internal recombination
  • Maintenance free with no topping-up of electrolyte
  • Non-hazardous for air/sea/rail/road transportation
  • 100% Recyclable
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
20Hr to 1.75Vpc L W H
12 FLB 100 P 12 26 166 175 126 8.5 Female M5
12 FLB 150 P 12 40 198 166 170 14 Female M6
12 FLB 200 P 12 55 230 140 212 17 Female M6
12 FLB 250 P 12 70 260 168 214 24 Female M8
12 FLB 300 P 12 80 261 174 217 26 Female M8
12 FLB 350 P 12 95 302 174 217 30 Female M8
12 FLB 400 P 12 105 341 174 217 34 Female M8
12 FLB 450 P 12 120 379 174 217 38 Female M8
12 FLB 540 P 12 150 338 174 277 49 Female M8
12 FLB 550 P* 12 160 531 110 314 53 Female M8
12 FLB 700 P* 12 210 558 126 321 61 Female M8
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