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The durable high energy and reliable battery system

The benefit of the Sonnenschein A700 batteries result from the globally proved and successful dryfit technology. The Sonnenschein A700 combines excellent high current capability with a reliable energy storage capacity. Due to the dryfit technology the Sonnenschein A700 is maintenance free (no topping up) for the whole operating life


  • Dryfit Gel technology – leak proof
  • Lowest energy consumption – saving costs
  • Robust design – resilient in harsh conditions
  • Proof against deep discharge – greater long-term energy delivery
  • Completely recyclable – low CO2-footprint
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
10Hr to 1.80Vpc L W H
A704/245 4 245 250 232 327 35.5 F-M6
A704/208 4 280 250 232 327 39.0 F-M6
A706/21 6 21.0 115 178 268 8.50 F-M5
A706/42 6 42.0 115 178 268 10.1 F-M5
A706/63 6 63.0 198 178 272 16.3 F-M6
A706/84 6 84.0 198 178 272 18.3 F-M6
A706/105 6 105 282 178 272 25.3 F-M6
A706/126 6 126 282 178 272 26.2 F-M6
A706/140 6 140 285 232 327 36.3 F-M6
A706/175 6 175 285 232 327 39.7 F-M6
A706/210 6 210 285 232 327 42.9 F-M6
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