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The max.power single cell OPzS battery is a vented stationary battery with liquid electrolyte (diluted sulphuric acid).The maximum capacity range of up to 12.000 Ah makes it possible to assemble the battery without extensive parallel structures


  • Very high expected service life
  • Excellent cycle stability
  • Extremely extended water refill intervals up to maintenance free
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
10Hr to 1.80Vpc L W H
14 OPzS 3500 2 3780 184 155 410 17.3 A
16 OPzS 4000 2 4320 184 155 410 19.4 A
18 OPzS 4500 2 4860 184 155 410 21.5 A
20 OPzS 5000 2 5400 184 155 410 23.6 A
22 OPzS 5500 2 5940 184 155 410 25.8 A
24 OPzS 6000 2 6480 184 230 410 32.1 A
28 OPzS 7000 2 7560 184 230 410 34.2 A
32 OPzS 8000 2 8640 184 230 410 36.3 A
36 OPzS 9000 2 9720 184 230 410 38.6 A
40 OPzS 10000 2 10800 184 230 410 40.4 A
44 OPzS 11000 2 11880 184 230 410 50.1 B
48 OPzS 12000 2 12960 184 340 410 52.1 B
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