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The OPzS single cell battery is a vented stationary battery with liquid electrolyte (diluted sulphuric acid).Due to the tubular plates technology OPzS batteries offer an extreme high cycling expectancy


  • Very high expected service life
  • Excellent cycle stability
  • Maximum capability
  • Extremely extended water refill intervals up to maintenance free
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
10Hr to 1.80Vpc L W H
4 OPzS 200 2 213 105 208 420 17.3 A
5 OPzS 250 2 266 126 208 420 21.0 A
6 OPzS 300 2 320 147 208 420 24.9 A
5 OPzS 350 2 390 126 208 535 29.3 A
6 OPzS 420 2 468 147 208 535 34.4 A
7 OPzS 490 2 546 168 208 535 39.5 A
6 OPzS 600 2 686 147 208 710 46.1 A
7 OPzS 700 2 801 215 193 710 59.1 B
8 OPzS 800 2 915 215 193 710 63.1 B
9 OPzS 900 2 1026 215 235 710 72.4 B
10 OPzS 1000 2 1140 215 235 710 76.4 B
11 OPzS 1100 2 1256 215 277 710 86.6 B
12 OPzS 1200 2 1370 215 277 710 90.6 B
12 OPzS 1500 2 1610 215 277 855 110.4 B
14 OPzS 1750 2 1881 215 400 815 142.3 C
15 OPzS 1875 2 2016 215 400 815 146.6 C
16 OPzS 2000 2 2150 215 400 815 150.9 C
18 OPzS 2250 2 2412 215 490 815 179.1 D
19 OPzS 2375 2 2546 215 490 815 182.9 D
20 OPzS 2500 2 2680 215 490 815 187.3 D
22 OPzS 2750 2 2952 215 580 815 212.5 D
23 OPzS 2875 2 3086 215 580 815 216.8 D
24 OPzS 3000 2 3220 215 580 815 221.2 D
26 OPzS 3250 2 3488 215 580 815 229.6 D
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