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The power.bloc OPzS batteries are vented stationary batteries with liquid electrolyte (diluted sulphuric acid).Due to the tubular plates technology OPzS batteries offer an extreme high cycling expectancy.


  • High expected service life
  • Excellent cycle stability
  • Maximum compatability
  • Easy assembly and  installation
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
10Hr to 1.80Vpc L W H
12V 1 power.bloc OPzS 50 12 50 272 205 383 37.0 A
12V 2 power.bloc OPzS 100 12 101 272 205 383 48.0 A
12V 3 power.bloc OPzS 150 12 151 380 205 383 67.0 A
6V 4 power.bloc OPzS 200 6 202 272 205 383 47.0 B
6V 5 power.bloc OPzS 250 6 252 380 205 383 60.0 B
6V 6 power.bloc OPzS 300 6 302 380 205 383 67.0 B
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