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The Yuasa NPL range is an enhanced NP design resulting in a longer service life (7 – 10yrs). All other attributes and operational characteristics are the same, thereby maintaining the benefit of a common mechanical and electrical design for users of both products. Yuasa NP batteries are the most reliable batteries in the world, making the NPL the most reliable but with a much longer life, which is why industry choose Yuasa over any other battery. They are the ideal battery for security and fire systems, emergency lighting, telecoms and UPS applications


  • Yuasa VRLA batteries can be used in any orientation excluding continuous use inverted
  • Standard case material is flame retardant to (UL94) HBØ
  • FR option case material is flame retardant to UL94:VØ (oxygen index 30)
  • NPL batteries are manufactured in factories that comply with ISO 9001:2000
  • FR option NPLs comply with BS6290 Part 4 (1997).
  • NPL batteries comply with IEC 60896-21+22.
Product Voltage (V) Capacity (Ah) Dimension (mm) Weight (kg) Terminal
10Hr to 1.75Vpc L W H
NPL24-12I 12 22.3 166 175 125 9.0 M5 Female
NPL38-12I 12 35.3 197 165 170 14.2 M5 Female
NPL65-12I 12 60.5 350 166 174 23.0 M6 Female
NPL78-12I 12 72.6 380 166 174 27.5 M6 Female
NPL100-12 6 93 407 172 240 39.0 10MM Post
NPL130-61FR 12 120 350 166 174 23.0 M8 Female
NPL200-6 6 186 407 172 240 39.0 10mm Post
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